Lobster Tail


Unveil Culinary Opulence
Introducing Lobster Tail, a culinary gem that epitomizes luxury and flavor, bringing an air of opulence, Immerse yourself in the succulent, rich taste of Lobster Tail. Its tender, luscious meat offers a sumptuous and unforgettable flavor profile that captures the essence of gourmet extravagance. Abundant in lean protein, minerals, and essential nutrients, Lobster Tail not only tantalizes your taste buds but also contributes to a wholesome and health-conscious diet. Embrace the essence of culinary luxury with Lobster Tail. Elevate your dining table with the decadent taste and refined elegance of this oceanic treasure – a true embodiment of gourmet extravagance that will redefine your culinary escapades.
Weight 1.00 kg

121 calories – 100g

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