Mullan Fish / Silver Bellies


Shimmering Ocean Delicacy
Introducing Mullan Fish, also known as Silver Bellies, a hidden gem from the depths that promises a delightful fusion of taste and texture. Immerse yourself in the subtle and delicate taste of Mullan Fish. Its tender, flaky meat offers a nuanced flavor profile that lets the natural freshness of the sea shine through. It’s packed with lean protein, essential nutrients, and omega-3 fatty acids, Mullan Fish not only tantalizes your taste buds but also contributes to a health-conscious lifestyle. Unveil the ocean’s shimmer with Mullan Fish. Elevate your dining table with the delicate taste and culinary charm of this aquatic treasure – a true embodiment of the sea’s subtle delights that will redefine your culinary encounters.
Weight 1.00 kg

40- 100 calories – 100g

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